Background: Over the past decades there have been outbreaks of mumps in many countries, even in populations\nthat were vaccinated. Some studies suggest that the incidence of mumps is related to meteorological changes, but\nthe results of these studies vary in different regions. To date there is no reported study on correlations between\nmumps incidence and meteorological parameters in Beijing, China.\nMethods: A time series analysis incorporating selected weather factors and the number of mumps cases from 1990\nto 2012 in Beijing was performed. First, correlations between meteorological variables and the number of mumps\ncases were assessed. A seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model with explanatory variables\n(SARIMAX) was then constructed to predict mumps cases.\nResults: Mean temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, vapor pressure, and wind speed were significantly associated\nwith mumps incidence..............